Jeff Starks is the proprietor of Maffrey's in Ivanhoe Village, a storefront that curates products that meet he and his partner's 5 values: Made in the U.S., women-owned, socially good, eco-friendly and supportive of local makers in Orlando.
Maffrey's is a combination of he and his husband's names: Matthew and Jeffrey.
After 13 years at Disney and 3 years working as a Merchandising Manager for Anheuser-Busch, Jeff took what he learned in understanding purchasing, product and storytelling and opened Maffrey's in 2020 with Matt.
If you love something special and unique and locally made, you've got to come here to Maffrey's - Jeff
Throughout the store you'll find items you won't find in big box stores, and most places for that matter. Jeff prides himself on being able to not only curate the items but help connect their story to the people who walk through their doors.
Maffrey's is a colorful, fun and welcoming local Orlando business. Their love for Orlando and their talent in finding locally crafted goods from companies like Wash and Wik, Friendlily Press and more is worthy of your visit.
Jeff Starks stands behind the counter at Maffrey's in Ivanhoe Village
Old Florida is the scent of orange blossoms and is made by Wash and Wik, an Orlando business
Florida based business, Musee, has products available at Maffrey's in Ivanhoe Village