December 8, 2024

How Kate Clodfelter Found Her Beat in Orlando’s Music Scene

The Director of Live Music for Foundation Presents sees Orlando's music scene flourishing expanding and providing more opportunities for diverse artists.
June 25, 2024

Mark Tremonti from Creed has Found his Greatest Mission in Life

Mark Tremonti is known around the world for his work with Creed and Alter Bridge, but his newfound purpose has become his greatest mission
November 2, 2023

Jay Garner: Lieutenant General and Guardian of Freedom

Jay Garner is a Lieutenant General who served in the United States Army and led the efforts in rescuing the Kurds during the Gulf War.
October 1, 2023

Caris Baker: Using Art to Make the World a Better Place

Caris Baker is an extraordinary artist who grew up in a small town with a passion for art and wanting to make the world a better place.
August 31, 2023

Tony Piloseno Creates Connection Through Color

Tony "Tonester" Piloseno is the owner of a Tonester Paints, an Orlando based specialty interior paint company that got its start from TikTok
July 13, 2023

Dr. Robert Masson: A Competitive Visionary in Surgical Tech

With his successful track record and competitive DNA, Dr. Robert Masson is breaking barriers in Surgical Tech with AI and Mixed Reality