August 31, 2023

Tony Piloseno Creates Connection Through Color

Tony "Tonester" Piloseno is the owner of a Tonester Paints, an Orlando based specialty interior paint company that got its start from TikTok
August 16, 2023

Orlando Women Unite to Break Barriers in Defense Contracting

Women in Tech and Entrepreneurship unite with Women in Defense and the Central Florida Tech Grove to break barriers in Defense Contracting
July 13, 2023

Dr. Robert Masson: A Competitive Visionary in Surgical Tech

With his successful track record and competitive DNA, Dr. Robert Masson is breaking barriers in Surgical Tech with AI and Mixed Reality
June 15, 2023

Orlando Game Space Re-Opens as OMG Labs

The Orlando Game Space re-opens as OMG Labs to provide local game developers the opportunity to grow solving real world problems
May 31, 2023

1 Million Cups Orlando: Where Entrepreneurial Minds Unite

1 Million Cups Orlando provides a supportive and inclusive space for entrepreneurs in Orlando to gather and connect.
April 18, 2023

Fraser Bowie Inspires Orlando to be Bold, Loud and Creative

Fraser Bowie is the CPO at NuEyes Technologies, and is leading the way with immersive technology while giving Orlando a voice